It is now January of 2014 and I am on a six month check up schedule, with excellent reports and glowing good health. I am now 71 and feel great. My life is exciting and fun and I am sure that helps me to continue to have good health.
In May of 2011 I had a hysterectomy for the cancer. I had radiation and was on a three month check up plan. Everything continues to go well and the surgeon and radiologist are both pleased with my progress.
In May of 2010 I went to the Billings Clinic in Billings, Mt. I saw the head of oncology, Dr. Gibb who is a very savvy, open-minded doctor. He checked me out and said, “I don’t know what you are doing, but who am I to say you should stop? If what you are doing works this well keep it up. I have never seen a woman your age (67) who has had endometrial cancer for over four years and is so healthy.” He said that it would be good for me to have a CAT scan, so I did that before I left to go home.
The results–Dr. Gibb said that everything looked good. All of my organs looked good and he could not even find much going on in my uterus. He told me that I could have surgery, but it isn’t necessary so I choose not to go that route. I feel that cutting and poisoning are dangerous. I realize that there are those people who have ignored their potential for cancer or other serious disease until the drastic measures seem to be the only way to go. I recommend taking care of yourself all of the time.
There is no good time to avoid a health issue. I realize that I have chosen to be health conscious and that is how I have been all of my life. I am a mother, grandmother and great grandmother. I really want to be around to watch the future unfold. Each person has free will in all things, but when it comes to your health you owe it to yourself, your family and your society to care enough to give yourself the very best.
It is my whole-hearted intention that everyone will begin to see just how important their life is, no matter how things may appear in the moment. We are living an illusion. The reality is so much greater than what we see in this moment. Let the love, wellness and connection to the Divine into your life every day. YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!