What are you creating in your life? The seeds you plant bring the outcome of their intension into your future. You influence your world with the things that you say and do. You are a gardener. What are you growing in your garden? When you allow yourself to feel blessed, beautiful and bountiful your essence benefits your life and your environment. If you neglect your inner garden life feels drab, unnourished and empty. The weeds of doubt begin to take over and there is no hope of a bountiful, fulfilling harvest because you are allowing your garden to cease to thrive. St. Germain will take us deeper into worlds we have not known and to our own sacred garden.
Join us in beautiful Wyoming High Country. We are central to many attractions—Yellowstone and Grand Teton Parks are less than four hours away depending on traffic, Custer battlefield and the Black Hills of South Dakota are only nine hours away, Lander’s Red Canyon Loop and Sinks Canyon are local and the Loop Road from sinks Canyon takes you to Louis Lake campground and South Pass and Atlantic City which are all tourist attractions close by. If you have not been to Wyoming, Montana and South Dakota make time on your trip to our intensive to see some wonderful sights.
We have several nice motels and some really, good restaurants that cater to all price ranges. Call or email Molly for more info.
You may participate in this Intensive In Person or as a Call In. Add the set of MP3’s to your call-in or in-person participation or purchase them separately if you’re not able to participate. The cost to attend in person or call-in is $400 and the cost for the MP3s is $175.