These times are bringing in more and more of the element of Spirit to refine and enhance the fire, air, earth and water elements. Many have said that death is the greatest healer, however Spirit is ongoing and now things are changing so dramatically that nothing is what it appears to be if one is looking only through the physical eyes. Death can bring an apparent end to physical affairs, but life is never ending and it goes on in other dimensions. St. Germain shows us new ways of looking at life today and into the changing future.
The call-in for the Teaching is on the second Wednesday evening of each month at 7 pm MST.
Our call-ins for the Q&A are on the fourth Wednesday evening each month at 7 pm MST.
The call-ins allow you to join in to hear the teaching and ask questions at the Q&A.
If you haven’t had the experience of the Teachings that St. Germain is offering this year, they really help us to understand what is going on. It just might be worth your while to check them out. The deep healing power of the Master is there to experience again and again as you listen to the awesome wisdom that he brings.